~~Title: Help~~ The **Help** internal command can be used to: * Display the program help file * Display information about the program (the About dialog) * Check for [[:additional_functionality:update_checker|program updates]] * Access the licence manager to install your program certificate * Send a quick email **Command Arguments:** $$ Argument $$ Type $$ Possible values $$ Description $$ (#)//(no argument)// $$ - $$ - $$ Displays the program help file. ``Help`` $$ ABOUT $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Displays the About dialog, showing information about the current version of the program, copyright and contact details for technical support. ``Help ABOUT`` $$ CHECKUPDATE $$ /O $$ //(no value)// $$ Checks online for [[:additional_functionality:update_checker|program updates]]. ``Help CHECKUPDATE`` $$ $$ $$ **quiet** $$ Perform a silent check for updates - a dialog will only be displayed if an update is found. ``Help CHECKUPDATE=quiet`` $$ CRASHLOGS $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Displays the [[:additional_functionality:crash_logs]] dialog, which shows any crash logs that have been automatically generated and lets you submit them to GPSoftware for analysis. $$ LANG $$ /K $$ //// $$ Displays a help file in the specified language, if one exists. ``Help LANG=deutsch`` $$ LICENCEMANAGER $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Displays the licence manager, where you can view and manage your current program licence, or apply for a free evaluation licence. ``Help LICENCEMANAGER`` $$ NEWEMAIL $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Sends a quick email message. You must have configured Opus to send email via SMTP (on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:internet:email|Miscellaneous / Email]]** page in Preferences) for this function to work. ``Help NEWEMAIL`` $$ REF $$ /K $$ **commands\\ dopusrt\\ metadata\\ statusbar\\ wildcards\\ scripting\\ cmd_//name//** $$ Provides a shortcut to displays certain reference sections of the help file. For example, you could define a hotkey to take you directly to the //[[..:..:wildcard_reference|Wildcards]]// reference section. ``Help REF=wildcards``\\ ``Help REF=cmd_CreateFolder`` $$ RELEASENOTES $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Displays the release notes for the current version. ``Help RELEASENOTES`` $$ THEMETESTER $$ /S $$ //(no value)// $$ Opens a UI which can be useful for testing how various standard Windows controls look with colors from custom themes. ``Help THEMETESTER``