~~Title: Marked Pictures~~ These options control [[:additional_functionality:viewing_images:image_marking|image marking]] in the [[:additional_functionality:viewing_images|standalone viewer]]. * **Check for marked pictures when viewer is opened**: The viewer will check if any images in the folder have already been marked in a previous session. * **Display Marked Pictures pane when a picture is marked**: When you mark an image in the viewer, the //Marked Pictures// pane will open automatically. If this option is turned off you can still open the pane manually. * **Save marked images to a file collection**: By default, Opus records images you mark to a file collection. This option lets you configure the name of that collection. The default, `Marked Pictures\%F` uses `%F` to insert the name of the current folder. You can also use `%D` to insert the current date. If you turn this option off, the viewer will use [[:basic_concepts:selecting_files:selecting_with_the_mouse_and_keyboard:checkbox_mode|checkbox mode]] in the parent Lister to indicate images that you mark. * **Ask for collection name**: The viewer will prompt you to enter a name for the collection when you begin a new marking session. * **Open collection when viewer is closed**: After you mark some images and close the viewer, the collection will be automatically opened in a new tab.