~~Title: Standalone Viewer~~ These options affect the [[:additional_functionality:viewing_images|standalone image viewer]]. * **Accelerated scrolling while dragging**: Grabbing the image with the mouse will move the image faster, such that you only have to move the mouse a small amount to scroll the entire image. If it's turned off, you'll get 1:1 movement where the part of the image you drag will stay under the mouse. Holding Ctrl while dragging will also switch modes, in case you sometimes need both. * **Generate Next/Previous list**: When you double-click on an image in a Lister to view it, Opus will automatically build a list of all the other images in that folder as well. This lets you move to the next or previous image in the folder, and to run a slideshow for all images in the folder, just by double-clicking one image. If turned off, only the image you double-clicked on will be added to the picture list. This doesn't affect what happens if you select one or more images and run the `Show` command on them - in that case, only the selected images will be in the picture list. * **Link both ways**: File displays will update their current selection if [[:additional_functionality:viewing_images:viewer_lister_linked|linked]] to a viewer when the viewer moves to a new image. * **Reset scroll position for each picture**: Whenever you move to the next or previous image, Opus will reset the scroll position to the top/left instead of leaving it in the current position. * **Reset zoom level for each picture**: Whenever you move to the next or previous image, Opus will reset the zoom level if you changed it while viewing the current image. You can choose from //Fit To Page//, //Grow To Page// or //Original Size//. * **Reuse existing viewer window**: Opus will re-use an existing viewer window when you double-click on a new file, instead of opening a new one. * **Wrap-around picture lists**: When the viewer's picture list contains more than one image, this option causes the viewer to wrap around to the first image in the list when you try to advance past the last image (and the same option affects slideshows). * **Toolbar**: This lets you select a different toolbar to use in the viewer.