~~Title: Icons ~~ This page displays a list of the icon sets you have installed. Icon Sets are collections of icons that can be used for toolbars and menus. Opus comes with one set built-in and you can add as many additional sets as you like. You can use the controls on this page to change the order icon sets are used in. Toolbar buttons and menus that use icons usually refer to the icon by name (for example, the **Copy Files** command would use the icon called "copy"), and icon sets specify the name of all the icons they contain. When Opus needs to display an icon it starts at the first icon set in the list and looks for an icon with the desired name. If that set doesn't contain the icon it moves on to the next set, and so on. So it's generally possible to change the icons in use by your toolbars simply by changing the order that Opus looks through the icon sets for the desired icon. The internal icon set has two variants (flat and glass) - when it's selected, you can use the **Icon Style** dropdown to switch between them. The bottom part of this page displays a preview of all the icons contained in the currently selected icon set. You can download additional icon sets from the [[https://resource.dopus.com/c/downloads/icons|Resource Centre]]. If you want to create your own icon sets, the **Save Icon Set Template** command in the {{:media:13:prefs_menu.png?nolink|}} page menu can get you started. It produces a template of the standard icon names - you will need to provide your own images however! See the [[:reference:icon_sets|Icon Sets]] page in the Reference section for more information on creating your own sets.