~~Title: Jump List~~ This page lets you configure the Windows Jump List - the menu that is displayed when you right-click on the Directory Opus icon on the taskbar, or that appears in the start menu when Directory Opus is pinned there. This page is basically one big scrolling list of options that can be turned on or off: * **Recent Folders**: Adds your most recently used folders to the menu * **Favorites**: Adds your favorite folders to the menu. You can add all your favorites or individually select folders to be added. The Jump List doesn't support sub-menus so you can't add any favorite sub-folders unfortunately. * **Smart Favorites**: Adds your Smart Favorites to the menu. * **FTP Sites**: You can select individual FTP sites from the Address Book or add all sites. * **Other Folders**: This lets you add additional folders to the Jump List that don't come from any of the above locations. To add a folder to this list, you have to right-click the **Other Folders** entry and choose **Add Folder** from the context menu. Folders that have been added this way can be removed from the list by right-clicking them and choosing **Remove Folder** from the context menu. * **Layouts**: Adds some or all of your configured [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:layouts|Lister Layouts]] to the Jump List. * **Tab Groups**: Adds some or all of your configured [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:tabs:tab_groups|tab groups]] to the Jump List. The tab groups will open in a new Lister. * **Commands**: Lets you add your configured [[:customize:creating_your_own_buttons:user-defined_commands|user-defined commands]] to the menu, as well as certain pre-defined commands. Note that the size of the Jump List is not infinite, so even if items are turned on they may not actually be displayed in the Jump List - this is a limitation that Windows imposes on Jump List menus.