~~Title: SmartFavorites~~ The //SmartFavorites// system attempts to learn which folders you most often use and display them in the //Favorites// menu automatically. You can also optionally show them in the folder tree. SmartFavorites are based on a points system. A number of points are allocated to certain activities that are performed in folders, and Opus keeps track of the points that individual folders have earned. When a folder's points exceeds a configurable limit it is deemed an important folder, and will appear in the SmartFavorites list. * **Enable SmartFavorites system**: You can use this option to turn SmartFavorites off if you don't want to use this function. * **Check on startup for folders that no longer exist**: Opus will launch a low-priority background task when it starts to check for folders in the reference table that no longer exist. * **Display at most**: This is the maximum number of folders that will be displayed in the //Favorites// menu. Folders will be displayed in order based on their accrued points. * **With at least**: The number of activity points that a folder must earn before it is considered important. * **Reference table**: The number of folders that Opus tracks activity points for - the topmost folders from this table are the ones that will be displayed. The **Clear** button lets you clear the reference table. At the bottom of the page is a list of activities. You can adjust their points values here if needed.