~~Title: File System~~ These options control how Opus handles [[..virtual_folders|virtual folders]] that also have an underlying "real" disk folder behind them. Windows contains several folders like this - the //Desktop// is one, but others include the //Fonts// folder (usually //C:\Windows\Fonts//) and the //Global Assembly Cache// folder (usually //C:\Windows\Assembly//). These folders can be displayed in Opus in two different ways - as the underlying disk folder, in which case you will see all files in that folder, or as a virtual folder, in which case you will see the virtualized view that Windows provides. //Fonts as a virtual folder//\\ {{:media:13:fonts_virtual.png?nolink|}} \\ //Fonts as a real folder//\\ {{:media:13:fonts_real.png?nolink|}} The above screenshots show the difference between the virtualized and "real" views of the Fonts folder. You can choose from the following options: * **Treat all "virtual filesystem folders" as virtual**: All such folders will be displayed in their virtualized forms. * **Treat all virtual folders as real**: All such folders will be displayed as the real underlying folder. Note that this only applies to virtual folders that actually do have an underlying disk folder - some "purely virtual" folders like //Network// will always be virtual. * **Treat specific virtual folders as real**: This option lets you specify exactly which folders should be displayed as real. For example, you could set the //Fonts// folder to always show as real but all other such folders will be displayed as virtual.