~~Title: Network Servers~~ This page affects the servers that appear in the //Network// branch of the folder tree. * You can enable a server cache, which makes getting a list of servers quicker once it's been done once. * You can specify servers which should always appear even if Windows fails to find them. * You can specify servers which should never appear, and also disable the server list altogether in the tree if desired. The options on this page are: * **Populate the Network folder with computers found on your network**: Turn this on to enable the enumeration of network servers in the tree. * **Cache computer list across restarts**: The server list will be cached and saved to disk, to be reloaded next session. * **Cache computer list until shutdown**: The server list will be cached in memory but not saved to disk. * **Do not cache computer list**: The server list won't be cached at all; Opus will always ask Windows to enumerate the servers. * **Exclude these computers**: You can add server names to this field to exclude them from the tree. * **Always add these computers**: You can add server names to this field to have them always added to the tree.