~~Title: Automatic Formats~~ As well as manually-configured [[..folder_formats|folder formats]], Opus can automatically remember when you make changes to the [[:basic_concepts:folder_options|format]] in a file display, and restore that format next time you go to the folder. Turn on the **Remember folder formats automatically** option to enable the system, and use the **Remember at most** field to control how many folders can be remembered. If you navigate to a new folder and make a change to its format while Preferences is open, you'll see the folder appear in the **Remembered Formats** list. Older formats (those belonging to folders that no longer exist, or that you haven't visited in a while) will be removed to make way for new ones, to ensure the total number never goes above the limit you set. Turn on the **Use as the default format for all sub-folders** option to have automatic formats apply to sub-folders as well as the folder itself. If you right-click a folder in the list a context menu is shown with two commands: * **Make Permanent** converts the automatic format to a saved path format. * **Remove** removes the remembered folder from the list. You can also use the **Clear Formats** button above the list to remove all remembered formats at once.