~~Title: Filters~~ This page lets you define and edit filters that can be used by various functions in Opus (for example, **Copy File** and **Delete** can use filters to control which files in sub-folders are affected, the [[:basic_concepts:searching_and_filtering:find_files:advanced_find|Advanced Find]] tool uses filters to define what to search for, etc.). While you can usually edit filters directly when using them in the various functions, this page provides a central repository of stored filters. Use the toolbar buttons at the top of the page to manage filters: * {{:media:13:button_add.png?nolink|}} Add a new filter * {{:media:13:button_duplicate.png?nolink|}} Duplicate an existing filter * {{:media:13:button_rename.png?nolink|}} Rename a filter * {{:media:13:button_desc.png?nolink|}} Assign a description to a filter * {{:media:13:button_delete.png?nolink|}} Delete a filter * **Edit as text**: Switches the filter editor to [[:file_operations:filtered_operations:textual_filters|text mode]]. Filters that you create in here will be available for selection via a drop-down list in the various tools that use them, and some commands also accept the name of a pre-defined filter given via command line argument. For instructions on how to actually define a filter, please see the [[:file_operations:filtered_operations|Filtered Operations]] page.