~~Title: Volume License Conditions~~ The **Volume License Conditions** apply to bulk purchasers of Directory Opus 13, including: * Corporations purchasing under the GPSoftware Open License Plan * Academic volume licenses For home and small business purchasers, see the [[end_user]]. ---- ==Program Certificate== * Purchasers of Directory Opus 13 will receive an encrypted program certificate, which must be installed to activate the software. * This certificate is valid for the original purchaser only and is not transferable. * You accept responsibility for any and all program certificates issued by GPSoftware to you. * You are responsible for deployment of the certificate along with installation of the software. ==Number Of Installations== * Directory Opus 13 may only be installed on the number of physical machines specified by the program license and associated program certificate. * You may install Directory Opus 13 on an unlimited number of virtual machines as long as the host machine has a valid license. * A multiple install license only allows for installation on multiple computers at a single site. Additional sites require a separate license. ==USB Export license== * An optional USB export license is available for an additional fee. * Purchase of this license entitles you to install Directory Opus 13 on a USB stick, for use on computers at other sites. * You may only install Directory Opus 13 on the number of USB sticks for which you have purchased licenses. * USB sticks with Directory Opus 13 installed may only be given to users authorised by the licensee. ==Advanced FTP license== * The optional Advanced FTP feature requires an additional fee to activate it. * This fee must be paid per-machine. For example, a dual install license requires the purchased of a dual FTP subsidiary license. ==Technical Support== * Technical support requires an active maintenance plan. * Technical support may be via the Directory Opus Resource Centre (https://resource.dopus.com), or via email. * The licensee must designate an individual person as the designated technical support contact. ==Program Updates== * Directory Opus is under continual development and updates containing bug fixes, enhancements and new features are released regularly. * These updates are available to existing customers with an active maintenance plan. ==Copyright== * Directory Opus 13 is © Copyright and a trademark of GPSoftware. * You may not redistribute Directory Opus 13 or any accompanying serial numbers or program certificates to any person, organization or third party without the prior written consent of GPSoftware. * You may not use, copy or transfer the program or manual, or a copy thereof, in whole or in part, except as expressly provided. You may not hire or lease the software to a third party. ==License Termination== * This license is effective unless terminated. This license may be terminated immediately without notice from GPSoftware if you fail to comply with any provision of this license. * Upon knowledge or notification of termination you must immediately uninstall and destroy Directory Opus 13 and all copies thereof, and any and all program certificates that have been issued to you. * GPSoftware reserves the right to remotely deactivate program certificates upon evidence of breach of these conditions.