~~Title: Replace Menu ~~ TheĀ **Replace Menu** tab lets you add commands to the context menu displayed when you right-click on a file icon in the **[[:file_operations:copying_moving_and_deleting_files:the_confirm_file_replace_dialog|Confirm File Replace]]** dialog (displayed when copying a file over oneĀ that already exists). Using this you can define commands that, for example, let you compare the old and new files using an external comparison tool. {{:media:replace_menu_edit.png?nolink|}} For example, a command to compare the two files using Beyond Compare might look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe" {filepath$} {filepathdest$} Then, in the Replace dialog, clicking either of the file thumbnails shows this command at the top of the context menu. {{:media:replace_menu.png?nolink|}} \\