~~Title: Drop Menu ~~ The Drop Menu tab lets you add commands to the drag and drop menu for files and folders. This is the menu that's displayed when you drag a file with the right mouse button and drop it. For example, Opus uses this system to display the "standard" drop menu items of //Copy Here//, //Move Here// and //Create Shortcut(s) Here//, via the **All files and folders** file type. {{:media:drop_menu.png?nolink|}}  \\ Configuration of the drop menu for file types is very similar to that of the Context Menu for file types - please see the [[context_menu|Context Menu]] page for a more thorough description of the context menu configuration process. The main difference between the drop menu and the context menu is that the drop menu only supports //Opus-only// context menu items - that is, only **Run an Opus function** or **Sub-menu** items can be added to the drop menu. As an example of one use for the drop menu, you could add a command to automatically make a softlink (Vista and above only) to a file or folder when you drag it with the right button and drop it somewhere. [[:file_types|Locate]] the **All files and folders** file type and edit it, and then on the **Drop Menu** tab click the **New** button to add a new menu item. {{:media:drop_menu_-_softlink.png?nolink|}}  \\ For the **Action** we have specified //Create Softlink Here// - this is the label that will be displayed in the drop menu. The **Type** is set to **Run an Opus function**, and the **Function** definition uses following command: Copy MAKELINK=softlink HERE \\ This uses the internal **[[:reference:command_reference:internal_commands:copy|Copy]]** command with arguments necessary to create a softlink in the target folder. If you click **OK** to save the new drop menu command, and then drag and drop a file with the right mouse button, you should see your new command on the drop menu: \\ {{:media:drop_menu_-_results.png?nolink|}} Creating a softlink requires Administrator privileges so don't be alarmed if you get a UAC prompt as a result of trying this command. You could also adapt the PNG conversion example shown for the [[events#convertpng|Events]] page for use in the drop menu. For example: {{:media:drop_menu_-_images.png?nolink|}}  \\ Adding these commands (in a sub-menu) to the drop menu for the **Images** [[..:file_type_groups|file type group]] would give you access to a set of convenient image conversion commands simply by dragging an image with the right mouse button and dropping it in the target folder.  \\ {{:media:drop_menu_-_images_results.png?nolink|}}  \\ You can see that as well as the new **Convert Format** menu, the drop menu also shows the **Create Softlink Here** command that we created above. Even though they were added to different file types (**Convert Format** was added to the **Images** group, whereas **Create Softlink Here** was added to the **All files and folders** file type) they are both displayed, because both file types applied to the file we dragged. If you dragged a non-image file, the **Convert Format** menu would not be shown.