~~Title: Find and Replace ~~ Similar to the way the Find and Replace function in a text editor works, //Find and Replace// mode lets you perform a batch rename by specifying a text string to search for and another to replace it with. {{:media:13:find_and_replace.png?nolink|}} This example has the **Find** string (note the **Old name** field has been replaced with **Find**) set to //img//, and the **Replace** string is set to //IMG//. The preview list indicates the outcome of the batch rename - as you can see, only two of the displayed files will actually change as a result of the rename (they are the two displayed in black - the rest, in grey, won't change). Ordinarily the search is confined to the filename stem, excluding the file extension. If the **Ignore extension** option is turned off, however, the //Find and Replace// operation will be performed over the whole filename including the extension.