~~Title: Adding, Removing and Editing Clauses ~~ Each clause in the filter control has a number of controls that are used to edit the filter. {{:media:13:filter_controls.png?nolink|}} From left to right: * The + button adds a new clause to the filter //above// the line clicked on (to add a clause to the end of the filter, click the + button displayed at the bottom on a line by itself). * The - button deletes a clause. * The checkbox lets you disable a clause while preserving its information (as opposed to deleting it). When a clause is disabled it has no effect on the filter at all. * The drop-down labelled **And** above lets you choose the Boolean operator (**and** or **or**) linking the selected clause with the one //above// it. The very first clause in the filter, or the first clause in a sub-clause, will not have this drop-down because there is nothing to link it with. * The drop-down labelled **Name** above selects the [[filter_clause_types|type of the clause]] - which attribute of the file is actually compared (name, size, date, etc). This is also used to begin a new sub-clause by selecting //Subclause// from the drop-down list. * The drop-down labelled **Match** above lets you choose whether the clause must be **true** (//Match//) or **false** (No Match) for the filter (or parent clause) to match. You can use the filter control with the keyboard: * Tab to move between controls in the current clause * Up and Down to move between clauses * + or Ins to add a clause * - or Del to delete a clause * Space to turn a clause on or off