~~Title: Tab Context Menus~~ Functions in the [[:customize:the_customize_dialog:context_menus|folder tab context menus]] can use the evaluator like in any other [[functions|toolbar or menu]], however in this evaluation context, the following variables are available which are specific to folder tabs: $$ Variable $$ Type $$ Description $$ count $$ //int// $$ Returns the number of tabs. $$ countdual $$ //int// $$ In a dual-display Lister, returns the number of tabs in the other file display. $$ dual $$ //bool// $$ Returns **true** if this is a dual-display Lister, or **false** for single-display. $$ path $$ //path// $$ Returns the path shown in the tab that was right-clicked. $$ right $$ //bool// $$ Returns **true** if this is the right/bottom file display, **false** if it is the top/left one. $$ sel $$ //int// $$ Returns the index of the tab that was right-clicked, or `-1` if the click wasn't on a tab.