~~Title: Status Bar~~ You can use the evaluator in the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:file_displays:status_bar|status bar]] to insert text returned by the evaluation. Use the `{= ... =}` code to insert an evaluation expression. The expression between the `{=` and the `=}` markers can span multiple lines if needed. The return value of the expression is inserted into the status bar. In this evaluation context, the following variables are available: $$ Variable $$ Type $$ Description $$ //status code// $$ //varies// $$ All the [[:reference:status_bar_codes|status bar codes]] are available as variables in this evaluation context (other than those that generate images or graphs). Note that some keywords may use characters like a `:` that aren't valid in variable names - to access them, use the [[:reference:evaluator:val]] function. $$ dual $$ //int// $$ Indicates which side of a dual Lister this evaluation clause is being run for. Possible values are `0` (single display), `1` (left/top) and `2` (right/bottom). $$ path $$ //path// $$ Returns the current path the status bar is displaying information for. The return value should be a //str// that will be inserted into the status bar.