~~Title: Rename~~ You can use the evaluator in the [[:file_operations:renaming_files:advanced_rename|advanced rename]] tool to insert text returned by the evaluation. Use the `{= ... =}` code to insert an evaluation expression. The return value of the expression is inserted into the new filename. In this evaluation context, the following variables are available: $$ Variable $$ Type $$ Description $$ //column name// $$ //varies// $$ All the [[:reference:metadata_keywords:keywords_for_columns|column keywords]] are available as variables in this evaluation context. Note that some keywords may use characters like a `:` that aren't valid in variable names - to access them, use the [[:reference:evaluator:val]] function. Additionally, the [[:file_operations:renaming_files:advanced_rename:renaming_with_metadata|rename-specific keywords]] like **parent** and **parentbase** are supported. $$ file_name $$ //string// $$ Returns the full name of the file the expression is being run for. This may be different from **file** which (as a column keyword), returns the value of the //Name// column (which e.g. may have file extensions hidden). $$ is_dir $$ //bool// $$ **True** if the expression is being run for a folder, **false** if it's being run for a file. $$ oldname $$ //str// $$ The value of the "old name" field. $$ newname $$ //str// $$ The value of the "new name" field. The return value should be a //str// that will be inserted into the new filename.