~~Title: Evaluator Button Icons~~ In a toolbar or menu button, you can use the **@icon**, **@iconp** and **@icon!** modifiers to set button icons dynamically using the evaluator. Note that these modifiers can also be used [[:reference:command_reference:command_modifier_reference#@icon|without the evaluator]], so to use the evaluator you must begin the expression with a `=` character. {{page>standard_variables&nodate&nouser&nofooter}} The return value from the evaluation expression will be used as the icon for the button. The icon can be specified in a number of ways: * An icon from one of the internal [[:reference:icon_sets|icon sets]], e.g. `"largeicons"` * A path to an EXE or DLL to extract an icon, e.g. `"C:\Windows\System32\imgres.dll,40"` * The name of an external image file, e.g. `"C:\Images\MyButton.png"`