~~Title: Toolbars ~~ The Toolbars page displays a list of all your toolbars, and lets you create new ones, delete existing ones, and turn them on or off. You can also change various appearance settings for individual toolbars from this page. The list is grouped into //standard toolbars// (those that come with Opus) and //user toolbars// (those that you create yourself). The only real difference between the two is that the standard toolbars can't be deleted or renamed. Each toolbar in the list has a checkbox that lets you turn it on or off. The toolbar buttons at the top of the page let you create and manage your toolbars. You can also //float// a toolbar, which opens a copy of it floating in a separate window (like a program launcher). See the [[:additional_functionality:floating_toolbars:controlling_floating_toolbars|Controlling Floating Toolbars]] page for information on controlling the appearance and behavior of floating toolbars. You can right-click a toolbar in the list to show its context menu. For the //standard toolbars// this also gives you an easy way to reset them to their factory defaults, if required. Double-clicking a toolbar in the list will cause any instances of that toolbar to briefly flash. This can be a handy way to find where a toolbar is located. Any instances of that toolbar that are floating are also displayed and will flash briefly to identify them. When you select a toolbar from the list, you are able to edit a number of settings on the right-hand side of the page. ==Options== * **Image size**: Specify the image size (//small// or //large//) for buttons on the toolbar. If you select //default// then the buttons' own settings will be used. * **Image state**: Specify the image state (//on// or //off//) for all buttons on the toolbar, or select //default// to use each individual button's own settings. * **Label state**: Specify the label state (//on// or //off//) for all buttons on the toolbar, or select //default// to use the buttons' own settings. * **Label color**: Turn this option on to specify the label color for buttons on the toolbar. The color specified on the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:colors_and_fonts:directory_opus_colors|Directory Opus Colors]] page of Preferences will be used if turned off. * **Font**: Turn this option on if you want to specify a font for button labels. If turned off the font configured on the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:colors_and_fonts:fonts|Fonts]] page of Preferences will be used instead. * **Always enable this toolbar's keys in Listers**: Any hotkeys defined within the toolbar will be active in Listers whether or not the toolbar itself is currently visible. This is used for the two main default toolbars (//Menu// and //Operations//), so that even if you turn them off, standard keys like Ctrl+A (for //Select All//) will still function. ==Custom background settings== This section lets you override the background color and image of individual toolbars (which by default comes from the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:colors_and_fonts:directory_opus_colors|Directory Opus Colors]] page in Preferences.) See the [[:preferences:preferences_categories:colors_and_fonts:images|Images]] Preferences page for information about configuring background images. If **Submenus inherit background** is turned on then any drop-down menus from the toolbar (and any of their child menus) will display the same background image as the parent toolbar. ==Page menu== The **Import Toolbar** and **Export Toolbar **commands in the {{:media:13:prefs_menu.png?nolink|}} page menu (top-right of the dialog) let you export the selected toolbar so you can share it with other people, or import toolbars you have received from others.