~~Title: Sharing functions with others ~~ Opus makes it easy to share buttons and toolbars with your friends and other Opus users. For example, you might have developed a drop-down menu containing lots of useful rename commands - if you want to share this with someone, the easiest way is to use the clipboard. In [[:customize|Customize]] mode, right-click on the button or the menu that you want to share, and choose **Copy** from the context menu. {{:media:share_buttons_1.png?nolink|}}  At this point, you can exit Customize mode. The button or menu you copied remains on the clipboard, and you now need to get it into a form that you can give to someone else. There are two easy ways to do this: * Use a text editor, like Notepad, to paste the clipboard contents into a new document (or, say, into an email that you're writing to someone) * Paste the clipboard contents directly into a Lister (**Edit / Paste**) to create a new text file Either way, this will convert the definition of the button into a text-based XML format that can be easily shared with someone. {{:media:share_buttons_2.png?nolink|}}  When your friend gets the text-based button code, all they have to do to add it to their own toolbar is: * Copy the button definition to the clipboard (by selecting all the text from the //// line down to the final //// line and copying it to the clipboard). * Set Opus into [[:customize|Customize]] mode. * Paste the new button to their toolbar (right-click on the toolbar and choose **Paste** from the context menu - see [[.|Editing the Toolbar]] for more information). You can copy an individual button, or a whole menu including all its child buttons (and any child menus it may have as well). You will often find people sharing toolbars and buttons on the Opus Resource Centre - see the [[https://resource.dopus.com/c/buttons-scripts|Buttons & Scripts]] forum for lots of examples!