~~Title: Multiple Function Buttons ~~ A multiple-function button is a button that has up to three distinct functions attached to it (it's therefore also called a "three-button button"). * The first, or primary, function is executed by **left**-clicking the button as normal * The second function is executed by **right**-clicking the button * The third function is executed by **middle**-clicking the button. If you don't have a middle mouse button, the **Simulate middle mouse click with control + left-click** option on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:toolbars:toolbar_options|Toolbars / Options]]** page in Preferences can help you make full use of this function. To make a multiple-function button, you must start with a regular, single-function button. See the [[.|Editing the Toolbar]] page for information on how to create a new button if desired. In Customize mode, right-click the button and select the **Three Buttons** option from its context menu. This immediately turns the single button into a multiple-function button, and the button's original function becomes the new //primary// function. {{:media:three_button_1.png?nolink|}}  \\ In Customize mode, a multiple-function button behaves very much like a [[drop-down_buttons_and_menus|drop-down menu]] (other than that the number of functions in the menu is limited to three). The image above shows what you would see initially if you turn the **Dual Display** button on the standard toolbar into a multiple-function button. Effectively, the original button becomes a drop-down menu, and the original function is duplicated and becomes the first button in the new menu. You can now add one or two additional buttons to the drop-down menu, using the techniques described on the [[.|Editing the Toolbar]] page. {{:media:three_button_2.png?nolink|}}  Here we have dragged the **Folder Tree **button from the Customize dialog and dropped it in the menu - it has become the button's second function. Similarly, the **Metadata Pane** button has been added as the button's third function. The multiple-function button is now "full" - attempts to add additional functions to the menu will fail. When you leave Customize mode, the toolbar button will appear the same as it did before - and indeed, left-clicking it will perform the same action as before (to turn [[:basic_concepts:the_lister:dual_display|dual display]] mode on or off). It's only when you hover the mouse over the button to reveal the tooltip that the difference becomes apparent. {{:media:three_button_3.png?nolink|}}  The tooltip makes it obvious that this button has multiple functions attached to it. The button associated with each function is indicated by the **LMB** (left mouse button), **RMB** (right mouse button) and **MMB** (middle mouse button) prefixes. So in this example, a left-click on the button will turn dual display on or off, a right-click on the button will turn the folder tree on or off, and a middle-click on the button will turn the metadata pane on or off.