~~Title: MTP ~~ Using Opus you can access the contents of MTP (//Media Transfer Protocol//) compatible devices like cameras, tablets and phones. Almost all Opus commands will function as they would with normal folders - copying, deleting, creating folders, etc, is all handled just like on a real disk drive. The viewer pane and thumbnails mode can be used as normal. ==MTP device paths== MTP devices are referenced internally using a URL-style path format, with the `mtp://` prefix. For example, the path of your Pixel 8 phone would be `mtp://Pixel 8/`. You can type this sort of path into the location field, or use it in buttons and hotkeys with the internal command set. ==MTP root folder== If you go to the //root// MTP folder (`mtp://`) by typing the path into the location field, the file display will show you all currently-connected MTP devices. You will also see these devices listed underneath //This PC// in the //Portable Devices// category.