~~Title: Toolbars ~~ Toolbars are one of the main ways of interacting with Opus - they let you perform operations on files and launch programs. Some important points to note about Opus toolbars are: * All toolbars and menus in Opus are [[:customize:creating_your_own_buttons:editing_the_toolbar|configurable]] via the [[:customize|Customize]] function. * In Opus, toolbars and menus are the same thing. * Toolbar buttons can run [[:reference:command_reference:internal_commands|internal commands]], [[:scripting|scripts]] and launch [[:customize:creating_your_own_buttons:passing_files_to_external_programs|external programs]], and can pass along the names of selected files and other information automatically. * Toolbar buttons can have associated //hotkeys// that let you launch the function from the keyboard rather than the mouse. From the Customize dialog you can elect to always enable a toolbar's hotkeys - even if the toolbar isn't current open, its hotkeys will still work. * Toolbars can either be displayed in the Lister, or can be [[:additional_functionality:floating_toolbars|floating]] on the desktop, or both. You can even float multiple copies of the same toolbar if desired. * Toolbar buttons can consist of a text label, a graphical image, or both. * Toolbars can be set to [[~dynamic_toolbars|appear automatically]] when changing to a certain display mode, or visiting a certain folder. * Multiple toolbars can be saved to a [[~toolbar_sets|Toolbar set]] which can then be reloaded later. * Specific Listers can be saved with their own toolbars using the [[layouts|Lister Layouts]] system. * The toolbars that a Lister displays by default are stored in what is known as the //Default Toolbar Set// - this is used whenever a Lister doesn't have its own set of toolbars defined in the Layout it came from. Use the **Settings / Toolbars / Set As Default Toolbar Set** command to update your default toolbar set if you want to change which toolbars are used by default.\\ * Opus ships with five [[~the_default_toolbars|factory-default toolbars]] - you can edit them but you can't delete them. You can create as many other toolbars as you want. You can turn toolbars on and off using the list in [[:customize|Customize]], from the **Settings / Toolbars** menu, or by right-clicking an empty space on any toolbar to bring up its context menu. More: [[~the_default_toolbars|The Default Toolbars]]\\ [[~dynamic_toolbars|Dynamic Toolbars]]\\ [[~toolbar_sets|Toolbar Sets]]\\