~~Title: Favorites ~~ The Favorites system in Opus is very similar to that of a web browser. Important folders that you want to have quick access to can be added to the favorites list, and this list can be displayed in a toolbar (the [[..:toolbars:the_default_toolbars:favorites_bar|Favorites Bar]]), a drop-down menu and in the [[folder_tree|folder tree]]. ==Favorites Bar== {{:media:13:favorites_bar.png?nolink|}}  The favorites bar toolbar is turned on by default, and works like the bookmarks bar in a web browser does. You can use drag-and-drop to add folders to the bar and reposition them. To go to a favorite folder from the bar, simply click it. You can rename them or remove them via the right-click context menu. Just like a web browser's bookmarks bar, the favorites bar shows a particular branch of your complete favorites list. The **Other Favorites** dropdown menu on the right shows you your full favorites list (minus the favorites bar folder, by default), and has links to edit it in Preferences. The **Quick Access** dropdown has hard-coded links for several useful folders - your user profile directories, your drives, and special system folders like This PC and the Desktop. ==Accessing without the Favorites Bar== If your turn off the Favorites Bar toolbar, a dropdown menu button will appear on the [[file_display_border|Location Bar]] toolbar by default. {{:media:13:favorites_bar_closed.png?nolink|}} This provides access to your favorites list without needing to have the favorites bar toolbar open. Note that unlike the **Other Favorites** dropdown, the list it shows includes the favorites bar folder. ==Adding a favorite to the list== If you use the **Add to Favorites** command from either of the dropdown menus, the //Add to Favorites// dialog appears. This lets you add the current folder to your favorites list, and lets you provide a name for it and choose which branch to put it in. ==Dragging to favorites== In both the favorites bar and the drop-down menus, favorite folders shown in this menu can also be used to copy or move files to by dragging a file and dropping it directly onto them. You can also right-click favorites to display the context menu for that folder. ==Showing favorites in the tree== Favorite folders can be displayed in the [[folder_tree|Folder Tree]] by turning on the **Favorites** item on the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folder_tree:contents|Folder Tree / Contents]]** Preferences page. ==Editing the favorites list via Preferences== You can add, rename, delete and rearrange your favorite folders at any time using the **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:frequently_used_paths:favorites_list|Favorites List]]** page in Preferences.