~~Title: Saved Folder Formats ~~ Opus lets you change many things to do with how it displays the contents of folders - view mode (details, thumbnails, etc), columns displayed in details mode, the sort order, grouping options, and more. Collectively these settings are referred to as the folder format. You can save the folder format for specific folders so that those folders are always displayed in a particular way. The **[[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folders / Folder Formats]]** page in Preferences is the main interface for configuring saved folder formats. You can configure several different types of folder formats through that interface: * **Path Formats**: Saved formats for specific paths. Path formats can affect a single folder or all sub-folders of that folder. Path formats can also be defined using wildcards rather than an absolute path. * **System folders**: Certain system locations like //This PC//. * **Content Type Formats**: You can configure a format for each [[:file_types:file_type_groups|File Type group]], which lets Opus [[content_types|change the display format automatically]] based on the contents of the folder. * **Folder Type Formats**: Default formats for many types of drive (local drives, network, file collection, etc.) * **Favorite Formats**: Your own favorite formats, which you can access quickly using the **Folder **drop-down menu in the default toolbar. * **Default Format**: This contains the //User Default// format, which is a format you can configure that will be used whenever another, more specific format isn't found for a folder. More:\\ [[:preferences:preferences_categories:folders:folder_formats|Folder Formats]]\\ [[content_types|Content Types]]\\ [[:file_types:file_type_groups|File Type Groups]]\\